Monday, March 29, 2010


Here I Come

Proton's latest offering of the Satria Neo is now available on the automotive market in South Africa. In the Republic started in the 2006 Africa Motor Car Show in November, the New Proton GEN. 2, Arena and Savvy in a market that most dynamic in Africa. Proton in South Africa is distributed by Pearl Automotive. The Managing Director Albert Venter, said the brand has gained widespread acceptance in a short time.

This launch follows the introduction of 1, 6 L Satria Neo Hi-Line (automatic and manual) in Singapore in September, which makes the market overseas, first to get the latest reincarnation of the famous three - door hatchback sport that began in June

Apart from the very elegant, the Satria Neo is undoubtedly safer and handles better than many other Asian cars currently in this segment. It is certainly comparable to their competitors from other countries, "said Moses Tan, director of Proton Singapore.


  1. Proton and MD Albert Venter believes they are above the Consumer Protection Act

    I bought a brand new Proton Satria Neo CPS from Albert Venter MD of Proton Menlyn

    when i confronted Albert Venter MD of Proton Menlyn he told me that he is an MD and does not care about my problems, i bought the Brand New car and now its my problem that is faulty

    the Consumer Protection Act is supposed to protect the consumer form being sold faulty goods which Proton did and admitted they should never have released the car to me in the first place as it is faulty, but they still refuse to replace the car and will only agree to try fix the faults and if the faults are not done correctly i must let them try fix it again which is not right and is against the Law the Consumer Protection Act states if the vehicle purchased is not in good quality the consumer has the right to the 3 R's Repair, Replace, or Refund that right is left to the consumer to choose which Proton and Albert Venter do not agree on but it is there in the SA Law but Albert Venter and Proton Menlyn are above the law

    Proton Sells cars that are unsafe, badly built with factory defaults and very bad Customer Services, I will fight and will not stop at anything to prove and show South Africa's that Proton is not a fair Company and do not care about their Customers or do not care about the Faulty cars they selling customers

    I am not the first to complain about Albert Venter and Proton Menlyn please view the Link to Hello Peter where you will see the number of people with similar complaints but nothing seems to help as Proton is above the Law in there eyes


  2. proton car is good since from my father down to me we buy proton as a matter of fact our Waja we drive it for 11 years with no big problem and now we booked Preve for our second generation proton car. You Matthuw Mcenery maybe you crazy

  3. Listen Guys all I will not argue what you saying maybe I am crazy the point is I have been given a bad hand by Proton I love the car more so much its truly amazing the fact is though if either one of you did happen to purchase a Proton one day and you just happened to find out that the Car they sold you and lets not forget that its Brand New and you just by some bad chance maybe a bad batch or something with faults expressed above then would you both not agree you would be disappointed and request a new one as you just paid for a new one or would you just accept it and keep quiet, I would then have to say you both crazy.

    Proton wont replace the faulty car they sold me and I'm fighting for a new car which I think takes balls chops

  4. Listen Guys all I will not argue what you saying maybe I am crazy the point is I have been given a bad hand by Proton I love the car more so much its truly amazing the fact is though if either one of you did happen to purchase a Proton one day and you just happened to find out that the Car they sold you and lets not forget that its Brand New and you just by some bad chance maybe a bad batch or something with faults expressed above then would you both not agree you would be disappointed and request a new one as you just paid for a new one or would you just accept it and keep quiet, I would then have to say you both crazy.

    Proton wont replace the faulty car they sold me and I'm fighting for a new car which I think takes balls chops

  5. Nub proton car...pui....

  6. Proton: Bad quality, Bad Car, unsafe, Bad service from HQ
